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Our ULTIMATE PLANNER PACK will help you create a powerful business plan so you can achieve groundbreaking results!💃with touch of style!👯

A series of questions will help manifest your thoughts & turn your business goals & vision into reality! 💫 Looking to start out launch your business? 🤔No worries! Not sure where to start? We'll get all those magical ideas into place so you can jump start the BOSS BABE in you! 🦄


The Ultimate Business Building Bundle! Are you ready to take your business to the next level by getting super organized and goal oriented?



Digital File: 5 FILES


Business Success Planner - 1 File - in PDF Format .pdf (42 pages)

Daily Goals Planner - 18 pages

Weekly Planner - Monday - Sunday - 14 Pages

Monthly Planner - Jan - Dec - 14 pages

30 Day Glam Planner - 39 Pages


Please note: You are NOT PERMITTED to resell these planners.

We do not provide support regarding editing, formatting or printing of the manuals.

Copyright. All Rights Reserved Glam Up Canada in English Only.

This planner cannot be duplicated or reproduced or distributed.

The Ultimate Planner Pack - 5 Planners

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